- Passed a 40-day trial
- 0% risk to you
- 80% pass-through of profits to you
- -Net result to be approved: USD 1000.00
- -You cannot overcome a maximum daily loss USD 250.00
- -You cannot overcome a maximum total loss USD 1250.00
- Indices available to operate:
- AUS200, ESP35, FRA40, GER30, HKG33, JPN225, NAS100, USA500, UK100 and USA30.
- Passed a 40-day trial
- 0% risk to you
- 80% pass-through of profits to you
- -Net result to be approved: USD 2500.00
- -You cannot overcome a maximum daily loss USD 500.00
- -You cannot overcome a maximum total loss USD 2500.00
- Indices available to operate:
- AUS200, ESP35, FRA40, GER30, HKG33, JPN225, NAS100, USA500, UK100 and USA30.
- Passed a 40-day trial
- 0% risk to you
- 80% pass-through of profits to you
- -Net result to be approved: USD 12500.00
- -You cannot overcome a maximum daily loss USD 2500.00
- -You cannot overcome a maximum total loss USD 12500.00
- Indices available to operate:
- AUS200, ESP35, FRA40, GER30, HKG33, JPN225, NAS100, USA500, UK100 and USA30.